A friend of mine gifted me a box of comics. (I’m not sure of the provenance of said comics.) They came in a “Fireball Whiskey” box, and while there was a stack that had been cut up for collage purposes, there was a huge box full of stuff that was ready to read.

What was incredible was that, aside from a few things here and there, this box has very little crossover with my own collection. (A few things, for sure… but not much.) And, more astonishingly: I don’t think I’ve read any of this stuff, and it was stuff that was on my radar as a 15 year old, but not really since.

I don’t have the HIGHEST hopes for the overall entertainment values of these comics. They’re beat to hell, there’s a lot of duplicates, and no complete runs. (Only a few issues of any given series.) So the entertainment value is probably fairly low. Still, as someone who went through a period where I would have LOVED to own all of these, I have a feeling that there will be more than just the Animal Man and Doom Patrol to entertain me.

Here’s a vid. Are there any DC Nerds in my friend group?

#FreeComics #DCDrek #ButMazingManIsCool #AfternoonAlphabetizing

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